The BSLISE Working Group is comprised of members from across the globe and is an initiative of the IFLA Section on Education and Training (SET), LIS Education in Developing Countries SIG, and Section on Library Theory and Research (LTR).

BSLISE Co-Chairs: Clara M. Chu and Jaya Raju.
Name: Clara M. Chu [Co-Chairs]
Current Affiliation: Mortenson Distinguished Professor and Director of the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs; the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Affiliate Professor, The iSchool at Illinois. Country: United States. Research and Professional Interests: Equity, diversity and inclusion in library and information science, information-seeking behavior, critical information studies, international and comparative librarianship, LIS education.

Name: Jaya Raju [Co-Chairs]
Current Affiliation: Professor and Head, Department of Knowledge and Information Stewardship, Humanities Faculty, University of Cape Town, South Africa. Country: South Africa. Research and Professional Interests: LIS education in the African developing context, developing LIS competency indexes for the digital age, and research theory and methodology.

Name: Saif Abdulla Al-Jabri
Current Affiliation: Director, Information Center, College of Economics and Political Science, Sultan Qaboos University; Lecturer at the Information Studies Department, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University (part-time). Country: Oman. Research and Professional Interests: LIS Education, Economics, Political Science.

Name: Agnes Hajdu Barát
Current Affiliation: Professor of Library and Information Science (LIS), Eötvös Loránd University Country: Hungary. Research and Professional Interests: Information Visualization, Knowledge Management, LIS Education, Knowledge Organization.

Name: Tiago Braga
Current Affiliation: General Coordinator of Information Technologies and Informatics, INSUMO Research Group, Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia Country: Brazil. Research and Professional Interests: Data Visualization, Data Science, Information for sustainability Innovation.Research Interests: Information Science, Data Science, Data Visualization, Information for sustainability.

Name: Sara Martínez Cardama
Current Affiliation: University Carlos III of Madrid. Country: Spain. Research and Professional Interests: Libraries, Transparency, Information literacy.

Name: Thomas Chaimbault-Petitjean
Current Affiliation: International Relations Officer, École nationale supérieure des sciences de l’information et des bibliothèques Country: France. Research and Professional Interests: LIS Education and training.

Name: Anthony S. Chow
Current Affiliation: Director and Professor, San Jose State University. Country: United States. Research and Professional Interests: Academia, private industry, and government and specializes in web design and usability, leadership and management, instructional technology, and analytics and informatics.

Name: Christopher Cunningham
Current Affiliation: Business Analyst Country: United States. Research and Professional Interests: LIS education, Digital librarianship, Digital divide

Name: Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe
Current Affiliation: Professor/Coordinator for Information Services and Instruction at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Country: United States. Research and Professional Interests: Scholarly Communications and Publishing, Information Literacy, Evaluation of Library Services.

Name: Jiuming Ji
Current Affiliation: Library Professor, East China of Science and Technology Country: China. Research and Professional Interests: Bibliotherapy; Information Literacy; Knowledge Management; Online Learning.

Name: Albina Krymskaya
Current Affiliation: Deputy Dean, St. Petersburg State University of Culture, Russian Federation Country: Russia. Research and Professional Interests: Knowledge Management, Library and Information Science Education, Libraries Role in International Relations, User Information Needs in the Fields of Social Sciences, International History of Information Science, History of Russian-American Cultural and Scholarly Exchanges.

Name: Amara Malik
Current Affiliation: Assistant Professor at Department of Library and Information Science, Punjab University, Country: Pakistan. Research and Professional Interests: LIS education, digital references services, social media and emerging technologies in the field.

Name: Barbara Marson
Current Affiliation: Assistant Teaching Professor, Retired, East Carolina University Library Science Program, East Carolina University, Country: United States. Research and Professional Interests: LIS education, Global librarianship.

Name: Amal Mostafa
Current Affiliation: Professor in Library and Information Science, Cairo University. Country: Egypt. Research and Professional Interests: Library and Information Science.

Name: Fatih Oguz
Current Affiliation: Associate Professor, University of North Carolina Greensboro Country: United States. Research and Professional Interests: Information Access, Refugee Cultural Heritage, Information Access, Institutional Repository.

Name: Mônica Regina Peres
Current Affiliation: PhD, Investigator, Coordinator of the Documentation Center of the School of Communication, University of Brasilia Country: Brazil. Research and Professional Interests: Information literacy, LIS education, open access, scientific journals, digital preservation and institutional repositories.

Name: Núria Pautista Puig
Current Affiliation: Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). Country: Spain. Research and Professional Interests: Bibliometrics; organisational sustainability; SDGs.

Name: Virginia Ortiz-Repiso
Current Affiliation: Associate Professor. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Country: Spain. Research and Professional Interests: LIS education, Digital Libraries, Open Science.

Name: Érica Saito
Current Affiliation: Resource Sharing Librarian at the World Bank Group Library. Country: Brazil. Research and Professional Interests: Librarian at the International Food Policy Research Institute, the Inter-American Development Bank, and University of Sao Paulo. Érica holds a MI from Rutgers University and a MLIS from University Carlos III of Madrid. She is a 2020/2021 ALA Emerging Leader, and a 2013 Mortenson Center Associate.

Name: Diljit Singh
Current Affiliation: recently retired from the Department of Library and Information Science, University of Malaya. Country: Malaysia. Research and Professional Interests: Information literacy, Management of libraries and information services, School libraries, LIS education.

Name: Aida Slavic
Current Affiliation: Editor-in-chief of the Universal Decimal Classification, at the UDC Consortium in The Hague (Netherlands); Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Information and Communication Sciences at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. Country: Netherlands. Research and Professional Interests: Knowledge Organization, indexing languages, knowledge organization and information retrieval.

Name: Ana Maria Talavera-Ibarra
Current Affiliation: is a Professor of Library and Information Science (LIS) at the Pontifical Catholic University (PUCP) in Country: Perú. Research and Professional Interests: LIS education, distance education, information resources and services, library automation, institutional repositories, cataloging and integrated systems among others.

Name: Samile Andrea de Souza Vanz
Current Affiliation: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) Country: Brazil. Research and Professional Interests: Scientific communication, scientific production, scientometrics, citation analysis, scientific collaboration; university rankings, and library space management.

Name: Joan Weeks
Current Affiliation: Head, Near East Section, African and Middle Eastern Division, Library of Congress. Country: United States.

Name: Sohaimi Zakaria
Current Affiliation: Head, Faculty of Information Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA Country: Malaysia. Research Areas: Library and Information Science.