LIS Schools/Programs Map FAQs

  1. How soon should I expect to see my school on the map after submitting the school information? 

The survey data is compiled and processed at the end of every month. Then it may take up to two weeks for the map team to include your school’s information on the map. 

  1. I submitted our information more than a month ago and it still hasn’t shown up. What do I need to do to check on the status of my submission?

Please contact Fatih Oguz directly at with your institution’s information and we will check on its status. Sometimes, the interface between the form and the map “misplaces” data and we have to manually correct the error.

  1. How can I update my school’s information on the map?

Please submit the data on the survey form at and choose the “Update” option. 

  1. How current is the data?

The data is 1-2 years old.  Every September annually, we will send each school listed a reminder to update their data.

  1. Who do I contact if our information is wrong?

You can simply update your department’s record by choosing the “Update” option on the survey form at and submitting the data, or if you wish to contact us, please email Fatih Oguz directly at

  1. Can I remove our information?

While we strive to make this map as comprehensive as possible, if you feel that listing your institution on the map has had negative consequences to your institution, please contact Fatih Oguz directly at and we can remove the listing.

  1. Will this information be sold?

No! This information will only be available for this project or other research projects. It is not intended for any other use.

  1. I am interested in doing research on the map data, how can I access the data?

Please contact Dr. Clara Chu  directly at with your request indicating who you are, what data you need and for what purpose. We ask all who use our data to acknowledge the source data with the following statement: This data was provided by the Building Strong Library and Information Science Education (BSLISE) Working Group (  The data is provided freely and cannot be resold.

  1. This map looks great. I would love to be a part of the process. How can I do that?

The map project team is part of the BSLISE Working Group. It is open to the library and information science (LIS) community and we would love to have your input and contributions. Simply contact the BSLISE directly about your interests.

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