
The IFLA Building Strong Library and Information Science Education (BSLISE) Working Group conducts research to learn about LIS education across the globe in order to understand and identify ways to strength the international quality of LIS education. It also conducts projects to address LIS education and support the LIS education community. The work of the BSLISE is published and presented at conferences, webinars and other venues. The BSLISE partners with other organizations on common goals, the first being the BSLISE International Scholar Program with San José State University (SJSU) School of Information.

Link to: Research | Partnerships | Projects | Publications

Its first research project was an international study to learn the differing qualification requirements (education, certification, individual credentialing system) for library and information “professional” practice in order to develop a better understanding of the equivalence of credentials and the role of LIS education. To learn more about this International Survey on Professional Entry Requirements, go here.  The online survey was available in multiple languages (see the translations page for Arabic and Chinese versions of the survey). The findings resulted in a White Paper:

IFLA BSLISE Working Group (2018). Building Strong LIS Education: A Call to Global and Local Action – An IFLA BSLISE Working Group White Paper. Cape Town: University of Cape Town Libraries. doi:

Current research projects:

Survey to develop a Directory and Map of LIS Education Programmes | Guidelines for LIS Education Programmes

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