2022 IFLA WLIC on “IFLA Guidelines for LIS Education Programmes: Applying a Global Framework to Transform LIS Education in Local Contexts”. The session engages LIS professionals, educators, students, associations and stakeholders in the application of the recently endorsed IFLA Guidelines for Professional LIS Education Programmes for local contexts. [Photos from session – to be used only with permission and acknowledgement]
Tuesday, July 26, 14:45 – 16:15. Session 073 IFLA Guidelines for LIS Education Programmes: Applying a Global Framework to Transform LIS Education in Local Contexts. Location: The Convention Centre Dublin (CCD), Wicklow Hall 2. https://iflawlic2022.abstractserver.com/program/#/details/sessions/7
We will begin with a brief introduction of the Guidelines to set the context, followed by small group critical discussions on the promotion of the Guidelines, its usage as a tool for the development of quality in LIS education, and the challenges in implementation of the Guidelines. The session will conclude with an understanding of the support infrastructure at IFLA to implement the Guidelines. This active engagement is critical for appropriate translation of the Guidelines for local contexts by governments, associations, institutions, accreditation agencies, and others.
For more information, go to: https://bslise.org/lis-education-guidelines/ and to download the Guidelines, go to: https://repository.ifla.org/handle/123456789/1987
Organized by the IFLA Section on Education and Training (SET) with the Section on Library Theory and Research (LTR) and the LIS Education in Developing Countries SIG.
IFLA WLIC 2021: A Solutions Room <Recording>
Implementing the “IFLA Guidelines for Professional LIS Education Programmes”: Stakeholder Perspectives and Buy-in Locally and Globally, with IFLA President Christine Mackenzie, President-Elect Barbara Lison and others
August 18, 9-10 pm Chicago (CDT) / August 19, 4-5 am The Hague (CEST) / 10-11 am Beijing (CST) / 12-1 pm Melbourne (AEST)
The session brings leaders and stakeholders together for robust engagement and creative approaches to adopting, supporting and promoting the IFLA Guidelines to develop LIS education programs, appropriate to a diverse community and relevant to its local contexts in a globalised economy. The IFLA Building Strong LIS Education (BSLISE) Working Group explored how the IFLA leadership, staff, and units, as well as other appropriate LIS entities, can move the Guidelines forward. Moreover, the deliberations will inform the implementation of the Guidelines, and its alignment with opportunity #10 in IFLA’s Global Vision: We must give young professionals effective opportunities to learn, develop and lead. The Section on Education and Training, the Library Theory and Research Section, and LIS Education in Developing Countries SIG will consider the input and perspectives shared in the Guidelines implementation process.
Christine Mackenzie (Australia) – Welcome to Solutions Session on “IFLA Guidelines for Professional LIS Education Programmes”
Jaya Raju (South Africa) – Setting the Stage for the “IFLA Guidelines for Professional LIS Education Programmes”
Clara M. Chu (United States) – Global North Stakeholder Perspectives and Buy-in
Diljit Singh (Malaysia) – Global South Stakeholder Perspectives and Buy-In
Barbara Lison (Germany) – IFLA’s role in the implementation of new “IFLA Guidelines for Professional LIS Education Programmes”

The IFLA Building Strong LIS Education Working Group invites the library and information science (LIS) community to provide feedback on the draft IFLA Guidelines for Professional Library and Information Science (LIS) Education Programmes by completing a feedback form AND/OR attending an online forum. The Guidelines serve as a framework for LIS education programmes and assist stakeholders in planning, developing and assessing the quality of LIS education and identify the knowledge areas an LIS professional should have to practice and continue to develop. It has been created to be applicable at any level of higher education.
We would appreciate commentary (e.g., strengths, gaps, etc.) on each section of the Guidelines, its use as a tool for the development of quality in LIS education, and its potential for adoption, support, or promotion to enhance the quality of LIS education locally and globally.
Please complete the feedback form at go.illinois.edu/LISEsurvey by April 15, 2021. [extended deadline]
Join us at our online feedback forums. Each 1-hour session, which will use the same format and content, has been designed for accessibility by regions, time zone and language. PLEASE NOTE: Registration is closed one day prior to EACH event start time. Please register early!
Please register (closed) to participate in one or more of the following Wednesdays in March 2021:
- March 3, 12pm CT (Chicago) – Americas (ENGLISH) – Moderated by Clara M. Chu, Chris Cunningham, Jaya Raju
- March 10, 12pm CET (The Hague) – Africa and Europe (ENGLISH) – Moderated by Jaya Raju, Helen Emasealu, Aida Slavic
- March 17, 12pm GMT-5 (Lima) – Latin America (SPANISH and PORTUGUESE) – Moderated by Ana Maria Talavera, Virginia Ortiz-Repiso Jimenez, Clara M. Chu, Tiago Braga, Sueli Ferreira, Mônica Peres
- March 24, 12pm GMT+8 (Beijing) – Asia and Oceania (ENGLISH) – Moderated by Sohaimi Zakaria, Jiuming Ji
- [Friday] March 26, 2pm GMT+3 (Moscow MSK) – Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) (RUSSIAN/ENGLISH TBD) – Moderators TBD. Co-hosted by the Library and Information Science Department, St. Petersburg State University of Culture – A special session of the Lifelong LIS Education annual conference.
- March 31, 12pm GMT+2 (Cairo) – Middle East and North Africa (ARABIC) – Moderated by Saif Abdulla Al-Jabri
THANK YOU for your interest and contributions to the development of the IFLA Guidelines for Professional Library and Information Science (LIS) Education Programmes (LIS Education Framework Development Group, IFLA BSLISE)
The BSLISE Working Group is an initiative of the IFLA Education and Training Section (SET), LIS Education in Developing Countries Special Interest Group (LISEDC SIG), and Library Theory and Research (LTR) Section. To learn more, visit https://bslise.org/
Hosted by the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs, University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign.
If you have any questions, please refer to our multilingual contacts:
Arabic أسئلة باللغة العربية – Saif Saif Al-Jabri, Sultan Qaboos University. Email: saljabri01 <at> gmail.com
Chinese 中文问题 – Jiuming Ji, East China University of Science and Technology. Email: jjm <at> ecust.edu.cn
French Questions en français – Thomas Chaimbault-Petitjean, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Sciences de l’information et des Bibliotheques. Email: thomas.chaimbault <at> enssib.fr
Portuguese Dúvidas em português – Mônica Peres, Universidade de Brasília. Email: monicaperes <at> unb.br OR Tiago Braga, Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia. Emai: tiagobraga <at> ibict.br
Russian Вопросы на русском – Albina Krymskaya, St. Petersburg State University of Culture. Email: krymskayaalbina <at> gmail.com
Spanish Preguntas en español (España) Virginia Ortíz-Repiso Jiménez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Email: virginia <at> bib.uc3m.es
Spanish Preguntas en español (Latinoamérica) – Ana María Talavera Ibarra, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Email: anatalavera215 <at> gmail.com
Turkish Türkçe sorular – Fatih Oguz, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Email: f_oguz <at> uncg.edu