Library and Information Science (LIS) schools are often challenging to locate as there are no global databases currently in existence that allow one to do a comprehensive search for specific parameters. The impetus behind this project was to begin to build a global database of LIS schools and programs using data gathered from an international survey that requested information on contact details, degrees available, certifications offered as well as languages available within the program, and registration for professional practice. This online questionnaire is part of the IFLA Building Strong Library and Information Science Education (BSLISE) Working Group activities. In addition, this project follows Open Science principles by fostering sharing and collaboration since its inception as an international collaborative project. This means that data will be fully and openly shared with everyone. All this information has been introduced and mapped into Visão, a GIS software hosted by the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT) which is a partner organization with IFLA’s BSLISE initiative.
The information provided by this map could help (a) students who are interested in pursuing an LIS degree to make more informed decisions, (b) LIS community establish relationships at institutional and individual levels, (c) researchers access more up-to-date data about LIS schools and programs as well as professional requirements, and (d) serve as a source of information to identify the recent news and the evolution of LIS schools over time.
Help us to improve!
The map is still in in-progress. We want to share this map with all the BLISE community (and beyond). You can become part of this dataset by providing your data in our platform! We are also open for any feedback.

The LIS Map was launched on early 2021 in an online event hosted by the BSLISE group.