Building Strong LIS Education session at IFLA WLIC in Wroclaw, Poland, August 24, 2017, 10h45-12h45

Interested in strong LIS education? Save this date and time at the 2017 IFLA WLIC: Thursday, 24 August 2017 (10h45-12h45)

The IFLA LIS Education in Developing Countries Special Interest Group (SIG), Education and Training Section (SET), and the Library Theory and Research (LTR) Section will jointly present an open session on Thursday, 24 August 2017 (10h45-12h45) at the 2017 IFLA World Library and Information Congress (WLIC), Wroclaw, Poland, 19-25 August 2017. For additional information about the conference and how to register, click here.

The open session is titled Building Strong LIS Education: Work-In-Progress and Critical Engagement and aims to:
•present findings from a first international survey on qualification requirements (education, certification, individual credentialing system) for library and information ‘professional’ practice toward a better understanding of the equivalence of credentials and the role of LIS education;
•critically engage participants on the implications of similarities and differences among countries for transferability or reciprocity of professional qualifications; and,
•map the way forward for the next steps in building strong international LIS education, based on the exploratory study conducted.

Input from the open session will inform the development of a white paper on Building Strong LIS Education that will be presented at the 2018 ALISE Conference. Be part of this exciting space in international LIS education.

Join us at the open session!

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