IFLA BSLISE Working Group publishes White Paper on “Building Strong LIS Education: A Call to Global and Local Action” The IFLA BSLISE Working Group announces the publication of the White Paper on “Building Strong LIS Education: A Call to Global and Local Action” http://openbooks.uct.ac.za/liseducation/index.php/liseducation/catalog/book/1 IFLA BSLISE Working Group (2018). Building Strong LIS Education: A Call to Global... Continue Reading →
Participate in International Survey of Entry Requirements for Library and Information “Professional” Practice
Deadline: May 31, 2017 The IFLA Building Strong Library and Information Science Education (BSLISE) Working Group is conducting an international study to learn the differing qualification requirements (education, certification, individual credentialing system) for library and information “professional” practice in order to develop a better understanding of the equivalence of credentials and the role of LIS... Continue Reading →
Building Strong LIS Education session at IFLA WLIC in Wroclaw, Poland, August 24, 2017, 10h45-12h45
Interested in strong LIS education? Save this date and time at the 2017 IFLA WLIC: Thursday, 24 August 2017 (10h45-12h45) The IFLA LIS Education in Developing Countries Special Interest Group (SIG), Education and Training Section (SET), and the Library Theory and Research (LTR) Section will jointly present an open session on Thursday, 24 August 2017... Continue Reading →
Building Strong LIS Education (BSLISE) Webinar on November 3, 2016, 2-3pm CDT (Chicago)
Developing an international quality assessment framework for LIS Education: experiences and opportunities from three accreditation programs The IFLA Building Strong LIS Education (BSLISE) Working Group invites you to a webinar that considers how associations cooperating internationally could create an international quality assessment framework for LIS education. The presentation will draw on the experience of delivering... Continue Reading →
IFLA 2016 Satellite Meeting on “International Quality Assessment of LIS Education Programs”
The site for the IFLA Satellite Meeting on the "International Quality Assessment of LIS Education Programs" is available and can be accessed by clicking this image:
IFLA Photos and Satellite Meeting Presentations
OCLC created a round up of presentations and photos for events and programs it hosted during IFLA WLIC 2016. Go to the OCLC events page OR click on the graphic below to access links to photos, a video and many presentations from the Congress venue and IFLA Satellite Meetings that were held at OCLC's Dublin, Ohio, campus.