Library and Information Science (LIS) Student Voices: Global Peer-to-Peer Dialogue – 3rd Session Video Posted

Did you miss the latest session of the Global Peer-to-Peer Dialogue? Don't despair the YouTube link is here! Just click the link below to learn what this year's group of Library and Information Science students from around the world had to say about the state of library education and profession around the world. This... Continue Reading →

The Building Strong LIS Education (BSLISE), a working group of IFLA, invites you to a webinar on the LIS Education Programs Map (see below) and to add your programs to the map.

Date & Time: May 3, 2023; 10-11am ET (New York) [To find your local time, please use] Register FREE at  For more information, see the IFLA announcement: “New LIS Education Programs Map advances IFLA Strategy – Contributions Welcome! Join the May 3, 2023 Webinar!” (13 April 2023) <link> If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Fatih... Continue Reading →

Global Libraries as Advocates for Information Policy Change

International Relations Roundtable ALA PreconferenceChicago, ILFriday, June 23, 2023   8:00 AM – 1:00 PM CT   Moderator: Jim Neal (he/him/his) – Columbia University  Presenter: Larra Clark – Public Library Association | ALA  Presenter: Alan S. Inouye – American Library Association   Presenter: Deborah Caldwell-Stone (she/her/hers) – Office for Intellectual Freedom  Presenter: Joe Thompson, COL Chair – Carroll... Continue Reading →

Library and Information Science Student Voices: Global Peer-to-Peer Dialogue Webinar 2023

Call for Applications: Library and Information Science Student Voices: Global Peer-to-Peer Dialogue The IFLA Building Strong Library and Information Science Education Working Group (BSLISE) announces the webinar “Library and Information Science Student Voices: Global Peer-to-Peer Dialogue”. Its aim is to connect library and information science (LIS) students all over the world to communicate and discuss the present... Continue Reading →

IFLA BSLISE (Building Strong Library and Information Science Education)
International Internship Opportunity

The BSLISE Working Group of IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) is seeking two library science and information science (LIS) students to work as interns with BSLISE communication activities, including maintaining its website and social media accounts. The BSLISE is devoted to strengthening the international quality of LIS education, and as a result,... Continue Reading →

Open session on IFLA Guidelines for LIS Education Programmes: Applying a Global Framework to Transform LIS Education in Local Contexts

Please join us at the IFLA 2022 WLIC open session on IFLA Guidelines for LIS Education Programmes: Applying a Global Framework to Transform LIS Education in Local Contexts, by the Section on Education and Training (SET) with the Section on Library Theory and Research (LTR). The workshop (Session 073) will be held on Tuesday, July 26,... Continue Reading →

Student event by IFLA Division C

A student event IFLA Division has been hosted as part of a monthly Webinar Series for LIS students. These webinar sessions will be on different themes. All events will be held online and will be open to everyone without any registration fees. Registration link will be provided in the pre-lunching promotions. On March 23, 2022,... Continue Reading →

Russian-American Library Dialogue 2020!

We are very happy to announce that the IV meeting of the Russian-American Library Dialogue in the online format will be held on September 15-16. The theme for this year's meeting is Libraries Tackling the Challenge: Meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals in a Global Pandemic. The sessions will be attended by heads and leading... Continue Reading →

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